
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

February 2013 meeting

Great program on embroidered buttons!

February 18, 2013

Meeting called to order by President Melissa.  Eight members were in attendance.

Minutes as presented were approved.  Treasurer’s report: Balance of $1,486.98.

Committee Report:
By-laws Committee (Mary, Melissa and Elisse) reviewed by-laws and made suggestions for corrections and changes.  E-mail of proposed corrections and changes will be sent to Members this month.  There
will be discussion and then voting on any changes at the March meeting. Suggestion was made to increase dues to $20.00 annually to help defray cost of national teachers.

Note from Patti’s husband that Patti has migraine from dilation and exam at ophthalmologists today.  She was diagnosed two weeks ago with Posterior Vitreous Detachment that may change, eventually break up and disappear, or it can stay for a long time.  Get well soon Patti!

Deanna has a house full of company and hopefully enjoying every minute
with the guests.

New Business:
Favors for national convention at Frisco, Texas have been approved for our guild to do.  Members will meet at Dot’s house on April 14th at 2 pm to assemble the favors.
Mary’s sister sent beeswax for just the cost of shipping.  Mary sent her sister a thank you note on behalf of the Hill Country Smocking Guild.

Door Prize:
Last months’ door prize was won by Kim.  She selected a thread holder box.
Melissa won this   months’ door prize which was a pattern holder box with clamp on lid.

Show and Share:
Mary proudly showed picture of grandson wearing outfit she made of onsite with appliqued ties done in fabric that match nursery themes/owls and monkeys plus bling. A picture of Oliver wearing two piece outfit with sailboat on pocket with blue gingham binding and diaper cover was made as newborn outfit
but he is just now fitting into the garment.

Melissa was wearing a silk sleeveless blouse that she made.  Fabric was from Common Thread.  She also shared bi-fold elastic that she acquired from EBay which was 10 yards for $4.00 a yard.

Dot is back from her trip where she shopped at Fabric Boutique in Boosier City, Silk Post in Little Rock and Lace Cottage in Germantown. She showed Baily’s Christmas dress of red and green stripped fabric from Peanut Butter and Jelly that she smocked in red.  Well Done. Another outstanding outfit was Beaded Bias Loop in pink and green. Pants were from Sew Beautiful #137 and top was in Sew Beautiful #131.

Elisse has been busy redoing kitchen cabinets.  After many trials of stain options she decided to paint cabinets white.  That is a lot of work but sure she will love end results!  She did attend an estate
sale and bought a treasure trove of antique baby garments and a lovely lace top and handmade, pieced lace table cover.

Roberta showed her granddaughter’s Christmas dress done which was a children’s Corner bishop pattern.  Her fabric selection was awesome with a muted red and green glass ornament motif and coordinating
fabrics on sleeves and band around hem of skirt.  Very impressive Roberta!

Presented by Melissa on making of Heirloom buttons from class she