
Saturday, September 17, 2016

August 2016 Minutes

Hill Country Smocking Guild
15 August 2016

The Hill  Country Smocking Guild held its regular meeting on 15 August 2016. The meeting was called order  by President Patty.

Minutes from the May meeting were approved as posted.

Treasurer's report was approved as submitted to membership.

Old Business: A huge 'thank you' to Elisa, and Vigil (Deanna's hubby) for the workshops they hosted this summer. We enjoyed a great turnout for the workshops, and even got some work done.

New Business: Nominating committee for the 2017 year was created: Do and Helen. Thank you for working in the important short-term committee.

Other business:
  • Austin Quilt Show is planned for Sept. 16-17-18 (Friday - Sunday) at Palmer Auditorium
  • Houston Quilt Show is scheduled for after Halloween. Carol Ahles is teaching a class at this show. Carol will not have a booth.
  • SAGA - Appears to be having much drama.

  • Helen shared a new 'Clover' pressing ruler. (great improvement over the old metal one)
  •  Mary S shared photos of her visit to 'Martha's Heirlooms' in Mason, Ohio. (We need a field trip)
  • Lise was wearing a cute outfit that she 're-purposed'! Lise also showed a pillowcase that she was embroidering.
  • Kit celebrated her first ever show-n-share ! Woo Hoo! She was so jazzed after a workshop that she completed an older smocking project and finished the insert in a super cute top. The insert was lovely smocked gold-fish and it complimented the bright-print fabric top.
  • Kim displayed embroidered towels, she had created for her son to take to college.
  • Virginia delighted the group with a Wendy Schoen kit she purchased last summer. She also showed an adorable smocked pink bubble. She amazed us all with an embroidered crest on a shirt (one of 17 !) and we Oooooed and laughed over a pair of white jeans and a pair of shorts that she emblazoned 'O U' all over! Luck nephew!
  • Dot  has been busy finishing a dress of her sister's granddaughter, creating lovely embroidery on towels, decorated a super cute giraffe for her sister's 1st grandson , and still had time to smock a dress. The dress was created in a multi color chevron pattern. The fabric pleated up so nice, Dot boldly chose to 'back smock' the front - only. The effect was striking.  
  • Deanna displayed a couple of classic back-to-school outfits she created years ago. We were as impressed today as children must have been years ago. One was smocked and one had super cute crayons appliqued.

Raffle winner : Kit!

Program: Kim D. and Deanna organized our 'Wee Care challenge' entries.

The display of Wee Care items was stunning and there was much excitement.

Entries were collected and presented in a 'blind' review. (no one knew who had submitted which entry).

Each participant received a lovely embroidered bookmark.

All attendees were given a ballot. Ballots were collected and tallied:

          Best of Show - Patti   

          2nd Place - Helen

  Most Wee Care Items - Helen

Kim and Deanna - Great job!

Minutes submitted by: Mary