
Saturday, November 19, 2016

October 2016 minutes

Hill Country Smocking Guild
17 October 2016

Happy Halloween y'all. The Hill Country Smocking Guild commenced at 7p.m. Vice-President Mary S. was in charge this night of October 17, 2016.  

Minutes from the September meeting were approved as posted.

Financial information: No corrections needed and statement in good standing.
New Business: 2017 Smocking Sit and Sew date was chosen. Sunday March 5th 2017 at The Stitch Lab, located on 1st street . Lots of discussion and everyone was excited. More discussion to continue on what to bring for this event.
Other News:   Mary ask the members to use her ' ' account for any correspondence. She is sending out announcements from a 'gmail' account, but checks the other account more often.
Helen had knee surgery and is recovery well. 
Kit just came back from Europe and had a very good time, had some samples for everyone. Really cute. 
Melissa A. won the door prize. A Berenguer doll . (Helen wowed us last month with her collection of the super cute dolls).
Big News …… Deanna H. has volunteered to have the Christmas party at her home. It will be held on the Second Sunday, December 11, 2016 from 1 to 4 p.m. All attending are requested to bring a dish of food of some kind.  Please join us in rejoicing the Christmas spirit with friends, game, and good food.  Yea!
More discussion in November to set time and other particulars.
Election of 2017 officers:
          President: Patty B.
          Vice President: Mary S.
          Secretary: Melissa A.
          Treasurer: Lise W.
Show & Share:
The wonderful ladies of this club are amazing.  There isn’t enough words to express how talented they are and how motivating it is when one sees what they bring to show. 
Lise W. who also belongs to the quilt guild brought a square which had been cut in such a way that it could make a different design.
Melissa B. brought a little smocked dress in lavender. Just darling.
Deana T. has been doing needle work and is coming along to make a pillow cover.
Melissa A, talked about the costumes she is working on for the kids Halloween.
Deanna H. brought a gorgeous smocked dress that she made for her niece. Also a little pocket purse.
Dot G., did it again.  She made two pillows with machine embroidery design and are just outstanding.
Sharon K. brought a small sewing kit folded purse that she made a while back that can be carried anywhere.
Mary S., continued with helping us finish the smocking project 2016 and look forward to seeing what it is when we finish it…
 Minutes submitted by Toni Z.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

September 2016 minutes

Hill Country Smocking Guild
19 September 2016

The Hill  Country Smocking Guild held its regular meeting on Monday, 19 September 2016. The meeting was called order  by President Patty.

Minutes from the May meeting were approved as posted.

Treasurer's report was approved as submitted to membership.

No officer report.

Report from nomination committee:
The committee presented to the membership the following nominees for 2017 officers:

President - Patty
Vice-President - Mary
Treasurer -  Lise
Secretary - Melissa A.
Election for 2017 officers
will be October meeting.

No Old Business:

New Business: Helen and Melissa will chair a committee to identify, and contact, a location for a smocking demonstration in February 2017 (Smocking Month).

Other business: Helen suggested a 'sit n sew' after the holidays.


Lise shared a pretty cool folding 'Idea Works' light that powers on batteries or a USB. Great lighting and the folding up made it easily packed and traveled with.

Helen impressed us all with cute 5 inch Berenguer dolls. She shared that the dolls are modestly prices, and come ready to make clothes. The dolls we got to see were all dressed differently; 1 knitted top and pants, 1 crocheted dress, 1 smocked dress. Grown women oohing and aahing over dolls !

Program: Continued work on smocking project started in March and April.

October program -  we will continue the smocking project. Please bring your pleated fabric and scissors. Floss will be available but everyone is welcome to bring specific colors they are using.

Minutes submitted by: Mary

Saturday, September 17, 2016

August 2016 Minutes

Hill Country Smocking Guild
15 August 2016

The Hill  Country Smocking Guild held its regular meeting on 15 August 2016. The meeting was called order  by President Patty.

Minutes from the May meeting were approved as posted.

Treasurer's report was approved as submitted to membership.

Old Business: A huge 'thank you' to Elisa, and Vigil (Deanna's hubby) for the workshops they hosted this summer. We enjoyed a great turnout for the workshops, and even got some work done.

New Business: Nominating committee for the 2017 year was created: Do and Helen. Thank you for working in the important short-term committee.

Other business:
  • Austin Quilt Show is planned for Sept. 16-17-18 (Friday - Sunday) at Palmer Auditorium
  • Houston Quilt Show is scheduled for after Halloween. Carol Ahles is teaching a class at this show. Carol will not have a booth.
  • SAGA - Appears to be having much drama.

  • Helen shared a new 'Clover' pressing ruler. (great improvement over the old metal one)
  •  Mary S shared photos of her visit to 'Martha's Heirlooms' in Mason, Ohio. (We need a field trip)
  • Lise was wearing a cute outfit that she 're-purposed'! Lise also showed a pillowcase that she was embroidering.
  • Kit celebrated her first ever show-n-share ! Woo Hoo! She was so jazzed after a workshop that she completed an older smocking project and finished the insert in a super cute top. The insert was lovely smocked gold-fish and it complimented the bright-print fabric top.
  • Kim displayed embroidered towels, she had created for her son to take to college.
  • Virginia delighted the group with a Wendy Schoen kit she purchased last summer. She also showed an adorable smocked pink bubble. She amazed us all with an embroidered crest on a shirt (one of 17 !) and we Oooooed and laughed over a pair of white jeans and a pair of shorts that she emblazoned 'O U' all over! Luck nephew!
  • Dot  has been busy finishing a dress of her sister's granddaughter, creating lovely embroidery on towels, decorated a super cute giraffe for her sister's 1st grandson , and still had time to smock a dress. The dress was created in a multi color chevron pattern. The fabric pleated up so nice, Dot boldly chose to 'back smock' the front - only. The effect was striking.  
  • Deanna displayed a couple of classic back-to-school outfits she created years ago. We were as impressed today as children must have been years ago. One was smocked and one had super cute crayons appliqued.

Raffle winner : Kit!

Program: Kim D. and Deanna organized our 'Wee Care challenge' entries.

The display of Wee Care items was stunning and there was much excitement.

Entries were collected and presented in a 'blind' review. (no one knew who had submitted which entry).

Each participant received a lovely embroidered bookmark.

All attendees were given a ballot. Ballots were collected and tallied:

          Best of Show - Patti   

          2nd Place - Helen

  Most Wee Care Items - Helen

Kim and Deanna - Great job!

Minutes submitted by: Mary

Monday, August 8, 2016

May 2016 Meeting

Hill Country Smocking Guild
21 May 2016
The Hill  Country Smocking Guild held its meeting on May 15, 2016,  by President Patty, which commenced at 7:05. 

Patty introduced two new visitors: Linda G and Ginger G   

  Welcome Ladies!

Old Business: Financial report submitted by Liza is current and balanced.

New Business: Last Meeting until August 15th.

Program: Kim D. presented our first 'Wee Care challenge' to the membership.
The challenge starts at the May meeting and concludes at the August meeting.

The theme for this year's challenge is BLUE. Item must be suitable for the hospital setting, newborn size or smaller, any published gown pattern, smocking can be published or original design, raw edges must be finished. use cotton and cotton blend laces, limited to two submissions per person, each submission must have an accompanying information ship.

Fabric and suggested patterns were distributed (can use others). 

Finished projects will be displayed at the August meeting, and members will judge the best outfit. If you missed the meeting and wish to participate, contact Kim: kimdavis_2001 at

WeeCare workshop will be held at Deanna’s house, on June 18 and               July 8, between the hours 10-6  . Deanna H.,  104 Alyssa Dr,  Georgetown, TX       dmhein at


It is so exciting to see what the ladies will bring in. With new ideas or old ideas it is refreshing to the mind and eyes to see what one is capable of making.

Dot: brought a child dress   

Ginger: brought a Kimberly Sundress by Sharon Lohmen

Sharon K.:  brought in a bear that she had made at one workshop years ago.

Deina: Made a darling dress in blue for her daughter.

Elissa: wore a dress she made and brought a real cute pink dress with a lot of smocking.

Lisa: is working on a pillowcase doing fancy embroidery

Toni: brought a dress she made for Ava the great grandchild at a workshop by Gail Doane.

Toni Z.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

April 2016 Meeting

Hill Country Smocking Guild

Meeting Minutes
18 April 2016

April brings April showers and we are certainly getting our share this month. Our meeting commenced at 7:05 by our President Patty, who appeared in good spirits after attending therapy due to an auto accident. Our well wishes for a good recovery. 

Old business: Check on deposit record to make sure all is in balance.

New Business: To check on future upcoming events for the coming months of June & July.

Other News: Hancock fabrics announces closing the stores. There was discussion about shopping for good bargains.
Show & Share:
Carolyn who is a first time smocker invested in some books from half price bookstore at a very reasonable price. She is to wed on May 7, 2016. Our best wishes to her.

Elissa: brought a Child's dress that had some discoloration and suggestions were made on how it might be repaired.

Toni: Asked the ladies if they knew what 'Seam Great' was, and what it was used for. A sample was circulated to show the item and the pros and cons of its use.

Liza: Just returned from Chicago after attending the IQA Spring Quilt Show and she attended various tours, i.e., Downton Abbey and the aisles of vendors and quilts.

Melissa A. brought a pouch she made for storage. She discussed how easy it was to make and inexpensive.

Mary: Visited the Reuse Store and was absolutely amazed at all the things you can find at a reasonable price. Her suggestion was to visit on Thursday when it’s not so crowded and above all limit time and your money.

Deana: Is currently working on Baby quilts. Quilting machine is not working like it should. She hopes to get it going real soon.

Door Prize: Went to Deana T., a pair of scissors and a needle case. Congratulations

April Program: Mary continued our “Intro / refresher to smocking”. Students were handed needle and thread and to begin back smocking. A sheet was handed with instructions. Mary also suggested bringing three fat quarters (or the equivalent) for an optional project that will use the smocked insert we are working on. We need the fabric so we can choose thread colors that coordinate. Again - this is a great way to use fabric and threads in our 'stash'. Threads can be anything suitable.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

March 2016 Meeting

Hill Country Smocking GuildMeeting Minutes21 March 2016
Toni Zentner

On Monday March 21, 2016, the HILL Country Smocking Guild held its regular monthly meeting. Vice-president Mary welcomed guests and members.  Meeting commenced at 7:10 pm, President Patty was unable to attend due to an accident she had the previous month. We hope she recovers soon.

Lots of thoughts and love were expressed for Sharon on the loss of her husband.

Correction on the previous month notes it was Elissa who was in Colorado enjoy her family. (Sorry).

Treasure Report:  Saga and IRS are up to date.

New Business: A discussion of future meetings to be held in June and July

Members took pleasure introducing themselves to all and how much knowledge they had in smocking.

Show and Share:
Melissa brought 4 dresses

Deanna brought 6 dresses

Elissa brought a Mardi Gras dress

Eloise made an apron

Melissa brought some fabric

Helen shared some beads that her group had made in Louisiana 

Door Prize went to Deanna of a Label maker – congrats

Program: Mary started an introduction to smocking  (refresher for some). This is the first of an ongoing program for the year. Everyone was given an insert to prepare for a project.  

Submitted by
Toni Z.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

February 2016 Meeting

Hill Country Smocking Guild

15 February 2016

On February 15, 2016, the Hill Country Smocking Guild held its meeting which commenced at 7:05 pm by President Patty.

No corrections were made to the previous minutes.  

A reminder was made that all dues are due.

The Officers report: Officers have agreed to meet every three months to schedule future plans for our monthly meetings.

Wee Care: Saga has formed a group of women to make outfits for the wee care. Must join the group and the list of items needed can be found on facebook:
<  >

Audit Committee: Audit was completed for the 2014 - 2015 years, all statements were in balance.

Old Business:

New Business:

Show & Share:

Patty brought a table scarf and handkerchief that her son got for her from overseas. She also brought three dresses from her daughter to cut down and make for her grandchild.

Melissa A.’s daughter modeled pj’s made out of Harry Potter fabric. She also brought some laces that were on sale at the Austin Creative Reuse, opened only on Wednesday and Thursday. 

Deana shared a cute shirt she created for her daughter.

Elissa showed pictures of the snow up in Colorado and the wonderful time she had with her family. 

Deanne brought a blanket she made for her brother and discussed a footstool she made in January at 'Sewing At The Beach'.

Door Prize winner: Eloise Atterberry

Program: This month was a completion of the small notebook about straight pins

Submitted by
Toni Zentner

Monday, February 8, 2016

January 2016 Meeting

Hill Country Smocking Guild

Meeting Minutes

18 January 2016

Happy New Year!

President Patty commenced the meeting at 7:10 by graciously expressing gratitude to Diana H. for having the Christmas party at her home.  For all those that were there, I am sure they had a great time, the gifts were great with lots of laughter and some disappointments and, of course, the food was fantastic. 

The minutes from the November 2015 meeting were approved as presented.

The January financial report was approved as emailed to members.

Old business:             Audit the bank records.

New business:             Quarterly meeting for officers.
                                    A request was made for another workday to finish/work on the
                                     smocked ornament project.

Show and Share:
Patty brought her completed smocked ornament. 

Melissa made a Harry Potter Cape in red and golden yellow without a pattern.

Dot, made embroidered dish towels for her sister in Arkansas, plus a shirt with engraving on it.

A big hand of applause to these talented women, the items they made were absolutely beautiful.

Kim shared a project her son was working on and the type of fabric that was being used. Because of the way the fabric is being torn, she was opened for suggestions and several recommendations were suggested.

Door Prize winner was Toni. She received a Dritz tailor's ham stand, and a needle organizer.

Program: This month Mary held a discussion on the humble straight pin. She explained the anatomy, and difference. All present put together a small notebook on straight pins. The class was very informative and interesting. The February program will be a completion of the notebook.

Submitted by
Toni Zentner