
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

October 2019 - Hill Country Smocking Guild Meeting

Hill Country Smocking Guild
Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 21, 2019

October meeting called to order

September minutes approved as posted on Blog.

Treasurer's report will be emailed to members

Committee Reports:

By Laws revisions and updates will be emailed to members for their consideration. We will vote on the changes/updates at the November meeting.

Our SAGA basket was well received.


We received a thank you note from Jennifer Kirkland. Jennifer won our basket at convention.

Deanna got a call from a Nebraska chapter with news of a workshop being held next year.

Old Business:

2020 Smocking Class - JoAnn's Fabric store in the Arbor Walk, has agreed to let us host classes. Kim D. will reach out and find acceptable dates.

Thoughts on the class: a bonnet with smocking. Need to decide how many hours/days are needed. There will be a minimal charge for the classes/kits.

Also, some discussion on the possibility of quarterly meet-up for project/work days next year.

New Business:

December holiday get-together - Saturday, December 7th 3-7 pm
Deanna Hein's home - Georgetown
Please bring pot-luck to share for dinner
Optional stash/gift exchange (a gift or item(s) from your stash, value $15, please wrap in paper bag)

Door Prize: Lise

Next meeting: holiday gathering: Saturday December 7th 3-7 pm

Next regular meeting: Monday, 18 November 2019

Show and Share:

Lise - had a wee care set for Kim. She was working on a beautiful blue embroidery; Lise posted on Facebook a photo of a hardanger hanging she made some time back

Another member shared a needle book kit designed by Susan O'Connor ; also shared a needle holder project she took at convention and another embroidery project she was working on - beautiful!

Dot shared a purse she made using cork fabric - impressive!

Marcy amazed us with a lovely burgundy ornament and a quilt square that was embellished with coloring pencils and embroidery.


Directions for a smocked ornament with ribbon inset with Vandyke stitch smocking.