
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

February 2017 - Hill Country Smocking Guild

Hill Country Smocking Guild 
February 2017 meeting

Call to order-
Called to order 7:05.
Minutes from last month are available online.

Committee reports-
No committee reports.

No communications.

Financial report-
Lise brought a copy of our latest bank statement including our deposits for membership dues.

New Business-
Austin Sewing Machine at I-35 in Round Rock is willing to host a sit and smock.  We will need to give them advanced notice.  Possible we could do it on a third Saturday in the afternoon to coordinate with their fabric sales.  March and April are already booked so possibly May.

Show and Share-
Mary smocked white dress with orange smocking and with sweet little flowers that was a “ready-to-smock” for a friend.  She used an Ellen McCarn pattern named Amy.

Patty brought in counter change pastel smocked Easter eggs.

Lise shared that Alex is changing name and gender legally next month through UT Legal Aid.  Getting ready for a production of Me and My Girl including 28 aprons.  She also shared about the quilting show UFO challenge.

Door Prize-
Patty won the door prize.  It included needles and a big button.

Fun with Fagoting by Dawn Roda that is presented by Mary

We are continuing the embroidery 'fagoting' class.  Mary provided instructions and two pages to attach samples that we stitch.  This month we practiced attaching bias tape strip and baby rickrack, bias tape and lace, and piping and bias tape.