
Thursday, October 17, 2013

September 2013 Meeting

September 16, 2013
Meeting called to order by president, Melissa.   Eleven members and one visitor were in attendance.
Elissa made a motion to approve minutes as posted on blog. Minutes approved.   
Treasurer’s report:  Balance of $1,167.46.   Checking account balance as of 8/31/2013: $205.80.  Savings account balance as of 8/31/2013: $961.66.
Old Business:
Bring completed Wee Care projects to October meeting and receive special tickets for door prize.
New Business:
            Officer Committee report: Presented Slate of Officers as follows:
            President: Deanna Heims
            Vice-Presidents: Elissa Powell and Melissa Atterberry
            Treasurer:  Mary Scrudder
            Secretary: Lise Waring
Sharon moved accept slate of officers by acclamation.  Motion seconded by Tony.  Officers for 2013 – 2015 elected unanimously by members.
Treasurer audit will be done by Elissa and Lise.  Dot may be present to answer any questions that may arise.
Door Prize:
            Beautiful embroidery scissors was won by Melissa.
Show and Share:
Patti showed a beautiful framed sampler (Ellen McCarn design) that she did when she first learned to smock.
Melissa brought in a sun dress she made for Eloise.  Black polka dot shoulder yoke with the body of dress a darling Little Mermaid fabric.
Virginia showed a variety smocked inserts.
Kim showed a yoke dress with Teapot mice picture smocking.
Dot did picture smocking on a white, imperial broadcloth yoke dress.  She smocked both front and back with bluebirds.  Smocking design by Mollie Jane Taylor “Bluebirds” This design has green vine with pink flowers and bluebirds perched on the vines. Dress also has pink ribbon woven across bodice front and back with ties at the side.  Dress Pattern is “Lee” from Children’s Corner .
Kim Davies presented program on stacked string of hearts for a Christmas ornament.

The guild is looking for program suggestions.  Some ideas presented were:  Wee Care, Christmas Balls, Picture smocking, and a Sampler.  Please bring your ideas for a program to the next meeting.