
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

February 2018 - Hill Country Smocking Guild Meeting

Hill Country Smocking Guild
Meeting Minutes/Notes
February 19, 2018

In attendance:
Deanna               Dot
Melissa A            Mary
Helen                  Lise

Officer Reports
Lise emailed the final financial report for 2017 to everyone and brought all the Treasurer’s items to the meeting to turn over to Melissa A.

Old Business:
Mary announced that the annual reports were submitted to our regional representative.

To celebrate February 'Smocking Month'. The guild set up a demonstration table at the wonderful 'Austin Sewing Machines and Quilting' shop in Round Rock. There were beautiful displays of children's garments with smocking. And some hands on practice cloths. A HUGE thank you to our wonderful host at Austin Sewing Machines and Quilting. (A big thank you to Kim, Deanna, and Helen for arranging the demonstration and creating the practice cloths)

Virginia reports that she is moving to Gonzales and is spending lots of time on renovations on the new property.

Door Prize
Dot won a sewing machine cover and needle holder.

Show and Share
Helen brought a needlebook from a class taught by Jan Curtain from Australia at Sewing at the Beach.  The purpose of the class was to practice bullion knots.

Melissa reported she is working on 75 costumes for a choir performance at her school.

Lise reported learning how to do kumihumo braids while she was a convention in Boston in January, and showed the quilted table runners she had made for her daughter.

Mary brought 2 projects she has been working on - 1 sewing machine cover that looks like an old camper and a mini-tuffett (a pin cushion)

Helen led a program on small Grady gowns.  Everyone was given a gown in a kit to match the fabric and thread of the bonnets that we made in November.  Several suggestions for smocking designs were also provided.  



Everyone is to bring a crochet hook to the next meeting, as we will be crocheting edging onto a blanket to coordinate with the gown and bonnet.  Helen will email us with information about what size hook we will need.  All the blankets will have white edging on them, as that was the color of thread most readily and cheaply available.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lise W.
Hill County Smocking Guild