
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

April 2016 Meeting

Hill Country Smocking Guild

Meeting Minutes
18 April 2016

April brings April showers and we are certainly getting our share this month. Our meeting commenced at 7:05 by our President Patty, who appeared in good spirits after attending therapy due to an auto accident. Our well wishes for a good recovery. 

Old business: Check on deposit record to make sure all is in balance.

New Business: To check on future upcoming events for the coming months of June & July.

Other News: Hancock fabrics announces closing the stores. There was discussion about shopping for good bargains.
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Carolyn who is a first time smocker invested in some books from half price bookstore at a very reasonable price. She is to wed on May 7, 2016. Our best wishes to her.

Elissa: brought a Child's dress that had some discoloration and suggestions were made on how it might be repaired.

Toni: Asked the ladies if they knew what 'Seam Great' was, and what it was used for. A sample was circulated to show the item and the pros and cons of its use.

Liza: Just returned from Chicago after attending the IQA Spring Quilt Show and she attended various tours, i.e., Downton Abbey and the aisles of vendors and quilts.

Melissa A. brought a pouch she made for storage. She discussed how easy it was to make and inexpensive.

Mary: Visited the Reuse Store and was absolutely amazed at all the things you can find at a reasonable price. Her suggestion was to visit on Thursday when it’s not so crowded and above all limit time and your money.

Deana: Is currently working on Baby quilts. Quilting machine is not working like it should. She hopes to get it going real soon.

Door Prize: Went to Deana T., a pair of scissors and a needle case. Congratulations

April Program: Mary continued our “Intro / refresher to smocking”. Students were handed needle and thread and to begin back smocking. A sheet was handed with instructions. Mary also suggested bringing three fat quarters (or the equivalent) for an optional project that will use the smocked insert we are working on. We need the fabric so we can choose thread colors that coordinate. Again - this is a great way to use fabric and threads in our 'stash'. Threads can be anything suitable.