
Monday, February 8, 2016

January 2016 Meeting

Hill Country Smocking Guild

Meeting Minutes

18 January 2016

Happy New Year!

President Patty commenced the meeting at 7:10 by graciously expressing gratitude to Diana H. for having the Christmas party at her home.  For all those that were there, I am sure they had a great time, the gifts were great with lots of laughter and some disappointments and, of course, the food was fantastic. 

The minutes from the November 2015 meeting were approved as presented.

The January financial report was approved as emailed to members.

Old business:             Audit the bank records.

New business:             Quarterly meeting for officers.
                                    A request was made for another workday to finish/work on the
                                     smocked ornament project.

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Patty brought her completed smocked ornament. 

Melissa made a Harry Potter Cape in red and golden yellow without a pattern.

Dot, made embroidered dish towels for her sister in Arkansas, plus a shirt with engraving on it.

A big hand of applause to these talented women, the items they made were absolutely beautiful.

Kim shared a project her son was working on and the type of fabric that was being used. Because of the way the fabric is being torn, she was opened for suggestions and several recommendations were suggested.

Door Prize winner was Toni. She received a Dritz tailor's ham stand, and a needle organizer.

Program: This month Mary held a discussion on the humble straight pin. She explained the anatomy, and difference. All present put together a small notebook on straight pins. The class was very informative and interesting. The February program will be a completion of the notebook.

Submitted by
Toni Zentner

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