
Sunday, August 25, 2013

August 2013 Meeting

August 19, 2013

Meeting called to order by president, Melissa.   Eight members were in attendance.
Minutes approved as amended.   Amendment:  By-laws changed to indicate a raise in Hill Country Smocking Guild dues from $10.annually to $20.annually.  No other changes in the by-laws.  Motion to approve amended minutes made by Dot and seconded by Patti.   Mary needs a copy of amended by-laws for blog and a copy needs to be submitted to SAGA.
 Treasurer’s report:  Balance of $1,167.31.  Minutes approved.
Haley Gardner from Selma, Alabama wants to learn how to smock and construct garments.  She is interested in Hill Country Smocking Guild.
Tony isn't feeling well.  She has been missed at guild and hope she returns soon.
Elissa is busy working and vacationing in Oklahoma.
Old Business:
Texas/Austin themed items for SAGA basket need to be brought to September guild meeting to allow time to assemble for convention.
Dot reported that there has not been any news concerning HCSG’s non-profit status.
New Business:
            Officer Committee report: 
                       Nomination Committee: 2014  Slate of Officers:
                                  President: Deanna Hein
                                  Vice-Presidents: Elissa Powell and Melissa Atterberry
                                  Treasurer:  Mary Scrudder
                                  Secretary: Lise Waring
Officer election will be held in September’s meeting. 
Door Prize:
            A 12 in 1 Multitool kit and needle case was won by Dot.
Show and Share:
Patti and Sharon showed completed cupcake pincushions.  Kim recommended using quilters thread to stitch cup to smocked section.
Melissa found a new fabric store in Austin.  The store primarily has knit fabrics.  The store is “Stitched Fabric Boutique” at 720 Taylor Street. (around Airport and Lamar)
Lise: completed her square dance dress.  The bodice is solid purple with a 5 point star neckline.  Skirt and puffed sleeves made of ¼ inch purple and white stripes.  Sleeves are counterchange smocked with 2 quilting threads.  Sleeve hems are hand rolled.
Dot has been busy!  1.  Multi-color chevron sundress with knotted ties on bodice in a hot pink and white geometric print.  Band and knotted ties are in yellow/white polka dots.  Pattern:  Indigo Junction – “Sister Smocks”.   2.  Turquoise with butterflies in orange, pink, green and yellow print A-line jumper with knotted ties at shoulders.  Dress lined in orange/white print.  Pattern Bonnie Blue Designs “Bridget”.  3.  Pillowcase dress in purple, turquoise and white large floral print with coordination band at bottom and ties in purple, turquoise, green and white polka dots.  4.  Hot pink little girl’s tee shirt with monogrammed pocket in multi-color chevron fabric.    5.  Little boy’s tee shirt with number 4 appliqued in sports fabric with Mickey Mouse ears at top of #4.  Dot did this shirt for her grandson.   6.  Dot wore white tee shirt with “Love” spelled out in different coordinating fabrics with Mickey Mouse as the letter “O”.  She appliqued 11 Mickey Mouse shirts for the family Disney World trip this summer.  I think she deserves a rest!
Wee Care smocked bonnet for a 24 week gestation baby presented by Kim Davies.
The guild is looking for program suggestions.  Some ideas presented were:  Wee Care, Christmas Balls, Picture smocking, and a Sampler.  Please bring your ideas for a program to the next meeting.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

May 2013 Meeting

Meeting called to order by Deanna.  Twelve members and one visitor
were in attendance.

Minutes as presented were approved.

 Treasurer’s report:  Balance of $1,166.86.  Minutes approved.

Committee Report:

By-laws Committee (Mary, Melissa and Elisse) reviewed changes to by-laws: end of year will be changed to December to coordinate with SAGA dues, Hill Country Smocking dues will be increased to $15 per
year.  SAGA dues amount should not be included in Hill Country by-laws.  Motion was made by Dot to accept by-law changes as presented.  Motion was seconded by Patti.  By-laws passed by acclamation.

Old Business:

Basket for SAGA convention:  Mary brought a Texas reusable grocery bag for the basket and encouraged members to bring Texas themed items for the basket by September meeting.

 A discussion was held to move HCSG meeting date in October due to conflict with SAGA convention.  Decision by members to keep regularly scheduled meeting date and time.

Dot reported that there has not been any news concerning HCSG’s non-profit status.

New Business:

Committee for developing slate of officers for next year will consist of: Patti Bullock, Dot Griffin and Elissa Powell.  Officers elect will be presented and voted upon at September meeting.

Door Prize:

Karen Morris, Elissa’s friend from Georgia, won the Thread and Scrap Caddy door prize.

Show and Share:

Elissa: showed a beautiful white dotted Swiss with blue ribbon dress. The dress was Lee pattern with Angel Threads Sydary collar. Embroidery was a combination of designs.  Dotted Swiss from Vaune Pierce and Bearissima collar.  Blue double faced silk satin ribbons.

Marcy was working on the block of the month for a class she is teaching.  Quilt pattern is Contessa.

Sharon displayed her Christmas duplicate sweater that she did years ago.


Shared yummy cupcakes then Kim presented class on smocked cupcake. Bring smocked cupcake to August meeting to complete.