
Sunday, March 8, 2015

16 February 2015 Minutes

Hill Country Smocking Guild
Meeting Minutes
March 15, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Mary.

Present: Kit, Dot, Monica, Patty, Lise, Roberta, Mary, Melissa A, Kim, Toni, and Toni's friend Tammy.

The minutes from the February 2015 meeting were approved as presented.

The financial report for February was approved as presented.

Old business:
            Possible new location:  Periodically we check for other options:    The Austin Library system now has an online reservation system, but the rooms can only be requested 6 months in advance instead of being able to hold the spot for a year at a time.

 Chapter info on SAGA website - Melissa A. reported that Vaune has updated our chapter information on the SAGA website.

We have booked the Wee Care trunk show for the fall.  The cost will be $25 plus shipping.

There was no new business.

Show and Share:
            Dot brought a t-shirt in 18 month size with a carrot and the letter K appliqued on the front.  The pattern came from Hooked on Applique.

            Melissa A brought a top that had been smocked by former member Claudia.  Melissa had taken the panel and constructed a top around it.

Monica won the body scrub door prize, and Tammy won the scissors with the
point guard.

There were enough questions for Dot about the machine applique process that she announced that since she was doing the April program, it would be on machine applique.

The program for the evening was viewing the SAGA Trunk show.

Respectfully submitted,
Lise Waring
Hill Country Smockers

Hill County Smocking Guild
16 February 2015

Deanna called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM.

Minutes of the January meeting approved

Financial report approved

Officer Report:
This is the first time, in memory that Hill Country Smocking
        Guild has received the SAGA Trunk Show.

Patty reported that the SAGA Trunk Show will be available
        for our March Meeting. Mary offered to 
bring a hanging rack
        for the show. Mary and Toni offered to help return the trunk
        show after the 
meeting night.

Patty emphasized that there were guidelines for displaying the
        SAGA Trunk Show. No food/drink. Use g
loves to handle the
        clothing. And more

Wee Care:
Virginia and Toni brought a bunch 'o blankets. The colors and
        the textures and pure bounty were 
inspiring. Thank you
       Virginia and Toni.

Old Business:
1) No news about the ABIA about the display space.  
2) Reminder of the Gail Doan Class in north Texas

New Business: 
1) Should we try to find a location for a public sewing demonstration for Smocking Month (February)
2) Do we have a contact with the 'Quilt Con' for a table highlighting the HCSG?
3) Discussion about exploring a new meeting place. Possibly a spot a little north of present location. Members are encouraged to be on the look out/talk with prospective location. Think about a place: a) north of river  b) off a main corridor  c) available consistently  d) offers a lighted parking area [We are not displeased with present location, just starting discussion on alternatives]

Show and Share: 
· Melissa A
· Toni
· Dot
· Virginia
· Deanna 
· Elissa

Door Prize: Patty was the recipient of the February door prize

Program:  Patty a wonderful program on lingerie construction. She presented fabrics, trims, and patterns. 
Great job Patty!

Minutes submitted by:
Mary Scrudder