
Thursday, April 14, 2016

March 2016 Meeting

Hill Country Smocking GuildMeeting Minutes21 March 2016
Toni Zentner

On Monday March 21, 2016, the HILL Country Smocking Guild held its regular monthly meeting. Vice-president Mary welcomed guests and members.  Meeting commenced at 7:10 pm, President Patty was unable to attend due to an accident she had the previous month. We hope she recovers soon.

Lots of thoughts and love were expressed for Sharon on the loss of her husband.

Correction on the previous month notes it was Elissa who was in Colorado enjoy her family. (Sorry).

Treasure Report:  Saga and IRS are up to date.

New Business: A discussion of future meetings to be held in June and July

Members took pleasure introducing themselves to all and how much knowledge they had in smocking.

Show and Share:
Melissa brought 4 dresses

Deanna brought 6 dresses

Elissa brought a Mardi Gras dress

Eloise made an apron

Melissa brought some fabric

Helen shared some beads that her group had made in Louisiana 

Door Prize went to Deanna of a Label maker – congrats

Program: Mary started an introduction to smocking  (refresher for some). This is the first of an ongoing program for the year. Everyone was given an insert to prepare for a project.  

Submitted by
Toni Z.