
Saturday, January 14, 2017

November 2016 - Hill Country Smocking Guild

Hill Country Smocking Guild - November 2016

Call to Order-
Called to order at 7:16 pm
Committee Reports-
Kim told us about convention.
Toni told us about the Quilt Show in Houston

Old Business-
Local dues in January $20.  National dues can be paid online and are $35.

New Business-
Christmas Party 3-7 pm December 11th.  There will be heavy hors d'oeuvre and desserts. There is a $15 limit for the stash present.  Husbands are welcome to come.
Demo Day at Stitch Lab-  We will have members with sample pieces that they are working on.  Think about making a piece in their fabric.  Bring examples of a variety of smocked items.  Be ready to commit in January.  Ask Deanna about thread waxers and cards.  Possibly have favors.  We will have a Wee Care Display.  Melissa will check with Deanna about favors and check on name tags.

Show and Share-
Melissa brought back the baby from last month with an heirloom dress.
Eloise brought the leopard she made with accessories.
Lisa brought her son’s Alexander Hamilton costume that she made from a pattern from colonial Williamsburg.  She also brought a quilt square made from laser cut fabric, red satin fabric with black lace cut out, and a laser cut quilt piece kit.

Door Prize-
The door prize was won by Helen.  It was a small vacuum and a wooden spool of ribbon.  There is a new bag.


Mary has been leading our program over the last few months which has included a refresher on basic smocking stitches from a pattern.  We will finish a travel case today that could be made with heirloom lace.  Mary added the smocked panel.  She omitted the batting on the pockets.  Make sure to flip the pocket after you’ve sewn it together.  In the pockets, you could place a small Olfa cutting board and a small rotary cutter.  There is also a place for a small ruler.  Helen brought a press perfect from Clover.  Mary used a quarter to make rounded corners.  She also used a bamboo point turner.  Mary spent more time smocking the insert than sewing the body of the travel case.