Country Smocking Guild
November 2017 Meeting Minutes
Call to order-
Meeting was called to order
Minutes from last month are
available online.
Committee reports-
No committee reports.
No communications.
Financial report-
Will be emailed to members.
Old Business-
Reminder that the holiday
party is December 17th at Deana’s house.
New Business-
Election of officers for
Slate of officers presented
by nominating committee:
President Mary
Vice-President: Helen
Secretary: Lise
Treasurer: Melissa Atterberry
Deana moved and Helen
seconded to accept the slate of officers as presented. All voted in favor
and the motion passed.
Show and Share-
Lise went to the Houston
Quilt show and ran into Toni and caught up. She told her about the
holiday party and took Carol’s class. Who will not be teaching next year.
Lise is bringing the pattern for the blanket next time. She also
met and took a Judith Baker Montano class in embroidery.
Sabitha- brought a
beautifully smocked black, white, and gold dress that she made. She also
brought the pleater that she bought.
Door Prize-
Deana won the door prize
which was flower head pins.
Lise won the second door
prize which was a package of floss for Wee Care. The colors are light
pink 3689, dark pink is 604, light blue is 3325, and the dark blue is 809.
The accent or leaf is 369.
Program presented by Helen
is Wee Care bonnet with fagotting.