
Thursday, May 17, 2018

April 2018 - Hill Country Smocking Guild Meeting

Hill Country Smocking Guild
Meeting Minutes/Notes
April 16, 2018

In attendance:

Kim D.                   Helen                    Melissa A
Sabitha                 Lise                        Mary

Guest – Jacque

Old Business – Helen wants to set up a Facebook page for the chapter

New Business – 

- Helen wants to apply for a grant to help bring in an instructor
- Dates for summer meetings were set.  Both will be at Helen’s house in south Austin.

- June 15-16, a capri set from Sew Beautiful magazine

- August 10-11, heirloom items sewn on a serger

Door Prize – set of projects bags won by Jacque

Show and Share Items –

Mary – two Wee Care sets in pink 

Roberta – dolls dressed by her grandmother, one about 2 inches long and the other about 16 inches long also a doll dress pattern from the early 1900s

Melissa – finished all the choir costumes

Helen – a small machine embroidered Wee Care gown, knit outfit for 5 inch doll

The program was a smocked dress and pants set for 5’’ inch doll.  Helen offered these additional program notes:

1) The dress is a bishop with the sleeve built into the pattern piece.
2) The front is slightly shorter than the back due to the neck curve
3) The neck of the dress is bias bound. Use a bias strip about ¾ inch by 6-7 inches long
4) Pleat four (4)  ½ rows
5) Deal with folding and ironing the sleeves  before drawing up the smocking threads
6) The panties have elastic on the back only – Helen recommends 1.5 mm beading elastic.

Respectfully submitted,
Lise Waring
Hill County Smocking Guild