
Sunday, November 11, 2012

October 2012 Meeting

October 15, 2012

Meeting called to order at 7:07 PM by President Melissa.

Minutes on blog site approved as presented.  A hard copy of minutes is available for members attending meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Not available

There were 9 members.


Old Business:   

SAGA Convention Report by Melissa and Elissa.

     Elissa elected to Region 5 Nominating Committee

     Tawn is president elect

     Elaine became Region 5 representative

Focus Group Meeting:

          Focus on recruiting via web site.  Taking suggestions on how to implement

          Wee Care gowns will continue to be a focus area of guild.

Brian Weeks leaving his position as Business Manager of Guild but is helping to find replacement.

Next Convention:  Frisco, Texas in 2013.  2014 convention will be in Orlando, Florida.

New Business:

December Christmas meeting will be held at Elissa’s house on December 13th at 6:30 pm.  This will be a potluck supper with a “Stash Elephant” gift exchange.  The “Stash Elephant” gift must be something from your stash “funny or serious” that you would like to give away and wrapped in a brown paper bag.  This is the guild’s version of a White elephant gift exchange. 

Door Prize:

Two door prizes were given out this week.  Roberta received Shampoo and Conditioner and Patti found hand sewing needles and smocking plates in her bag.

Show & Share:

Deanna presented a green smocked flannel nightgown with ivory lace.  She used a size 8 Lee Pattern.

Patti completed two beautifully smocked Wee Care bonnets.

Sharon finally completed two smocked bonnets and two smocked dresses for Wee Care.

Mary’s big news of the evening was announcing the arrival of grandsons, Oliver (7lbs. 5oz) and Owen (6lbs). on the same day, November 12th but miles apart this kept Mary and her cell phone very busy.  Moms and babies, fathers and grandparents are all doing well.  Somehow Mary managed to complete another new baby outfit.  An altered diaper shirt from “Baby’s Summer Clothes”  by  the Old Fashioned Baby and Diaper Cover by Creations By Michie #109.

Kim displayed program project - a smocked bell.


The planned program of a smocked bell ornament was not given due to amazing amount of information and show and share presented by Elissa and Melissa from SAGA Convention.

 Elissa won two baskets.  One was 10 yards of Carolina Cotton Chambray and second was based on Olympics theme – Liberty of London fabric, Olympic tin and mug and candy.  Elissa demonstrated Placket under a Pleat technique by Cyndi Foose and pleats made using fusible thread.

Melissa shared some of her class experiences including 

Crochet buttons, Blair’s Bonnet, Fine Construction techniques and A Slip for Baby.  Table favors included small bucket pincushion and Pattern weights filled with sand.  Books:  Alabama Stitch Book by Natalie Chanin, Construction Workbook Step by Step by Caroline Marold.

Smocked Bell program will be presented in November.

Submitted by:
Sharon Kite

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