
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

August 2012 Meeting

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by President Melissa.

Minutes on blog site approved as presented.  A hard copy of minutes is available for members attending meeting.

Treasurer’s Report approved as presented.  Savings-$959.58; Checking-$636.49
Total - $1,596.07.

There were 9 members in attendance.


Old Business:

Discussion about workshops for next year concluding with a motion by Sharon and seconded by Deanna to encourage members to attend 2013 National Convention in Frisco, Texas in lieu of a local workshop.  Motion was approved by members.

Deanna reported that Dottie Vester enjoyed seeing the pictures of our members with the lavender sachets made by our members and was thrilled that we enjoyed the project.

Summer workshop hosted by Deanna was attended by 7 members. 

New Business:

Suggestions for small gift ideas for convention included a beaded thread counter by Mary and ribbon holder for nail files by Dot.  Suggestions for small, inexpensive gift items are still needed.

Door Prize – a large spool box was won by Melissa.

Show & Share:

Melissa: showed a delightful knit dress with cutouts in Project Alabama style.

Roberta: used McCalls pattern 5835 to create a cute dress in Monkey Fabric by TuttiFruiti, a Winnie the Pooh Pillowcase dress and a pink gingham bishop (Beautiful Bishops) Peasant dresses by Scientific Seamstress (Sis Boom).

Elissa: Pink stripe seersucker bikini from Sew Beautiful Issue #130and monogramed with Monogram Script from Monogram Wizard Plus delighted the members.

Dot: Lots of oohs & aahs were heard over the girl’s white canvas shoes, trimmed with red & white gingham and lace.  The shoes also had a ladybug embroidered button designed by Hope Yoda.

Mary: while awaiting the arrival of two new grandsons has been preparing for them.  Boy #1 will receive a Boys Newborn Diaper Shirt in brown/blue/green plaid with an appliqued puppy face.  Pattern: Creations by Michie #109.  Boy #2 will be the recipient of a white infant shirt with navy strips made from his Dad’s old shirt.  Pattern Butterick # B5510 with western styling and white snaps.


 Members assembled approximately 300 invitations to 2013 National Convention in Frisco, Texas.

Submitted by:
Sharon Kite

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