
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

May 2012 Meeting

Meeting called to order at 7:20 PM by President Melissa.

Minutes on blog site approved as presented.  A hard copy of minutes is available for members attending meeting.

Treasurer’s Report approved as presented.  Savings-$959.05; Checking-$720.04
Total - $1,679.09.               
There were 11 members in attendance.

Old Business:
Dot will be contacting Cheryl Davidson about available classes and times.

Gale Doan has open dates available for classes in 2013. She sent information on classes and fees to Deanna.  There is a lot of information that Deanna will present to members at a later date.

Pictures were taken of members with completed sachets. Deanna will send picture to Dottie Vester who designed the sachet.

New Business:
Kim reports that there are SAGA grants available to the guild in the amount of $300. With the stipulations that the classes must be given by approved teacher, only guild members can attend classes and all deadlines must be met.  The Hill Country Smocking Guild members decided that there is a lot of work and attention to detail to pursue a grant and that limiting classes only to members would not be beneficial to our guild. 

Summer Meetings:  There will not be a meeting in June.  July meeting will be a “Stitch and Chat” to be held at Deanna’s home.  Details to be sent at later date.

SAGA Convention – 2013 – to be held in Frisco, Texas outside of Dallas.  A suggestion was made that our guild make “seat favors”.  After discussion, members agreed to idea.  Think of ideas for favors that would be simple and inexpensive.  We will need to make about 300 favors.  One suggestion was to do the sachet we made in April except with bluebonnet motif in center. Keep thinking – the more ideas the better.

Door Prize – won by Melissa...  Prize included embroidery scissors and 3 smocking plates.

Show & Share:
Melissa:  Shadow embroidery dress-Strassburg out of print pattern.

Deanna: shared Michael from Children’s Corner shorts and shirt with shadow embroidery on the collar.  Christening Gown with white on white shadow work design from Martha Pullen.

Patty: showed bag she made from velvet with embroidery for Christmas gift.

Sharon: showed Hancock Fabrics “Lewis &Clark” quilt that is almost complete – still needs binding.

Kim:  Shared SAGA Stitches/Shadow embroidery Preemie Gown and Shadow Embroidery Cross adapted from Martha Pullen.

Sandy Lyons: showed a delightful quilt made for her granddaughter entitled “Baa, Bass Black Sheep”.

Toni: has been antiquing in Paducah, Kansas, Princeton, Illinois and Towanda, Pennsylvania and showed her precious finds of bonnets, bib, dresses and Christening gown

Basic Shadow work instructions was presented by Kim and Deanna.

Summer Meetings:
June – None Martha’s Market in Arlington
July – “Stitch and Chat” work on Wee Care gowns date and time to be sent later
August – Regular meeting time and place to resume.

Submitted by:
Sharon Kite

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